Our new Board was elected at the recent AGM with 28 members participating. Now we must Install our new Board. In "normal" times our installation would be over three days with a dinner on the Friday night, a formal dinner on the Saturday night and a breakfast on the Sunday with Moose Milk. But because these are not "normal" times we have been able to reach out and ask Alan Pentney our International President to speak to us. His topic will be "Why we find it so Valuable to be Gyros". There will be time for questions.
Please bear in mind that Alan lives in Calgary and in a different time zone, but hearing him speak, you wouldn't realize it!
Our District Governor, Matthew Williams, will then install our new Board:
President: Hans Rodenburgh.
1st Vice President: Tim Evans.
2nd Vice President: Patrick Benloulou.
Past President: Mike Wedekind.
Treasurer: Jay Fray.
Secretary; Denis Moffatt.
Member at Large: Rick McKay.
Member at Large: Colm Foy.
Member at Larger: Ray Mew.
Member at Large: Gary Shinder.
Mike will then hand the virtual gavel to Hans who will speak to the multitude about his plans for the forthcoming year.
The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81254611172 and will be active from 6:30 pm, so that anyone having difficulty with using Zoom, can practice and, if all else fails, speak to Mike at 250 474-5287 .
When you click on the Zoom link you must wait a few seconds for the platform to respond. Usually all that you have to do is click on the link. The first time you join a meeting, click on the link 10 minutes before the meeting start time, because Zoom will have to download some software and ask your name.
If clicking on the link doesn't work, I suggest that you copy it and paste it into your browser.
The copy command creates a duplicate; the selected data is kept in temporary storage (the clipboard). The data from the clipboard is later inserted wherever a paste command is issued.