Date to be confirmed
Wanda and Colm Foy would like to invite you to the Gyro Picnic at their home at 2338 Ashley Rose Close, in Shawnigan Lake on Saturday July 26th. Easily found with GPS or by phone to 250 929-1479.
For those that prefer not to drive over the Malahat car pooling will be available and their is space to park your RV if you want to stay overnight. We need to have at least 20 people attend from our club to have the event go ahead so please do not wait to register. We will also be extending an invitation to Nanaimo and Port Alberni clubs.
Beef burgers are provided and bring your favourite refreshment. Let Colm know if you have any dietary restrictions. Please also bring chairs and any sunshade cover that you can.
The cost is $30 per person except for Golden Girls. The charge is for the burger, fixings, and Salads.
Please don't forget to add the number of guests that will be with you. This is an ideal venue to bring guests to who might be interested in Gyro.